Prof. David Llewelyn, IP Academy, 新加坡
Richard Mille, Richard Mille Watches
Prof. James Conley, Kellogg School of Management
Douglas Glen, IMAGI International Holdings Ltd
Dr. Victoria Wang, IP Institute, 英國
CK Yeung, Blue Box Holding Ltd
Kristina Isakovich, CEO of Philips Healthcare Centre, 荷蘭
Grant Davidson, Vice President of Philips Design, 荷蘭
Angelique Westerhof, Dutch Fashion Foundation, 荷蘭
Renny Ramakers, Droog Design, 荷蘭
Irma Boom, 荷蘭
審視建築師、設計師及專家如何以不同的設計概念,創造令人意想不到又嶄新的空間和生活體驗 Mun-summ Wong, WoHa Architects Pte Ltd, 新加坡
高文安, 香港
Peter Slavenburg, Northern Light, 荷蘭
Morgan Parker, President, Taubman Asia
設計與地震(I) Venue, Theatre 2, HKCEC
透過全球性網絡和經驗交流,探討如何在設計、建築、計劃、環境或社會文化本質上協助四川作災後重建 (2:00pm - 5:00pm) 丹下憲孝, Tange Associates, Japan
林春男, Kyoto University, Japan
小堀徹, Nikken Sekkei Ltd., Japan
竹內徹, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
關國樂, Rehabilitation International - International Commission on Technology and Accessibility, Hong Kong
Agostino Goretti, Seismic Risk & Post-emergency Office, Italian Department of Civil Protection, Italy
Edward Uhlir, Millennium Park, 美國芝加哥
Tony Jones, School of the Art Institute of Chicago 美國芝加哥
Kazuyo Sejima, SANNAA, 日本
Yuko Hasegawa, Museum of Contemporary Art, 日本
Holly Hotchner,Museum of Arts & Design, 美國紐約
Fumio Nanjo, Mori Art Museum, 日本
Ma Qing-yun, USC School of Architecture, 美國洛衫機
張和民, China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda, China mainland
周錦添, 香港理工大學土木及結構工程系, 香港
王清遠, 四川大學建築與環境學院, 中國
王亞勇, 中國建築科學研究院工程抗震研究所, 中國
Amit Kumar, Urban Disaster Risk Management, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Thailand
周福霖, Earthquake Engineering Research and Test Centre (EERC), Guangzhou University, China
Alain Seban, 龐比度中心, 法國巴黎
Meng Yan, Urbanus, 中國深圳
Michael Schindheim, Duabi Culture & Arts Authority
Hou Hanru, San Francisco Arts Institute, 美國三藩市
Rem Koolhaas, Office for Metropolitan Architecture, 荷蘭
Claire Hsu, The Asia Art Archive
Ole Bouman
設計與地震 (III) VenueVenue: Theatre 1, HKCEC
透過全球性網絡和經驗交流,探討如何在設計、建築、計劃、環境或社會文化本質上協助四川作災後重建 (2:00pm - 5:00pm)
蔡克銓, National Taiwan University & National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan
西山峰広, Built Environmental Materials and Structural Systems Department, Urban and Environmental Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
五十殿侑弘, Kobori Research Complex Inc., Japan
Shigeru Ban, Shigeru Ban Architects, Japan